Here is a preview of the config for this resource
return {
defaultKeys = {
toggleRadarMenu = 'F5',
detectLidar = 'MOUSE_LEFT',
toggleVehRadar = 'F7',
toggleRadarLock = 'F6',
directionalUp = 'UP',
directionalDown = 'DOWN',
directionalLeft = 'LEFT',
directionalRight = 'RIGHT',
-- [SPEED] --
speed = {
mode = 'MPH', -- 'KMH' or 'MPH'
-- [RADAR] --
radar = {
retrictByJob = true, -- Would you like to restrict the radar usage by job names
jobs = { 'police' }, -- If above is true, what job names
class = { [18] = true }, -- Class of vehicles you want to allow (Default: Emergency)
whitelist = { [`police`] }, -- Individual vehicles that you want to whitelist which will bypass class check
distance = 25.0, -- Minimum distance the vehicle radar can read a vehicle
-- [LIDAR] --
lidar = {
command = {
enabled = false, -- This command is used to replace the item dependency and ox_inventory. If you plan to use the item leave this false
name = 'lidar' -- If enabled then do /lidar
item = 'WEAPON_PROLASER4', -- If above is false, this is the item name for the lidar weapon. I don't recommend changing this
retrictByJob = true, -- Would you like to restrict the radar usage by job names
jobs = { 'police' }, -- If above is true, what job names
whitelist = { ['1001'] } -- Individual characters that you want to whitelist which will bypass job check
menu = {
retrictByJob = true, -- Would you like to restrict the settings menu by job names
jobs = { 'police' }, -- If above is true, what job names
-- [BOLOS] --
bolos = {
enableCommands = true, -- Commands for flagging and removing flagged plates
retrictByJob = true, -- Would you like to restrict the command usage by job names [Recommended]
jobs = { 'police' }, -- If above is true, what job names
jammer = {
restrictByVehicle = false, -- Restrict the jammer item to being installed in certain vehicles
whitelist = { [`sultan`] }, -- If above it true, add the vehicles that you want to whitelist
backlist = { [`police`] }, -- General blacklist restricting these vehicles to install jammers on
directional = {
size = 1.0, -- Size of the sphere radius
movement = 0.07, -- Speed of the sphere during edit mode
distance = 10.0, -- Max distance sphere can move from the vehicle
misc = {
wait = 150, -- Wait period (ms) for updating radar values ([lower] = less optimized, faster updates, [higher] = more optimized, slower updates)
reticle = true, -- Do you want to use the default crosshair for the lidar gun
default = {
theme = 'Green', -- Green, Blue, Yellow, White, Teal, Orange, Pink
lidarScale = 1.8, -- Default scale of the lidar
radarScale = 1, -- Default scale of the vehicle radar
defaultFastLimit = 65, -- Default speed for the fast limit option
-- [CLASSES] --
class = {
[0] = 'COM', -- Compact
[1] = 'SED', -- Sedan
[2] = 'SUV', -- SUV
[3] = 'COU', -- Coupe
[4] = 'MUS', -- Muscle
[5] = 'SPC', -- Sports Classics
[6] = 'SPR', -- Sports
[7] = 'SUP', -- Super
[8] = 'MTC', -- Motorcycles
[9] = 'OFF', -- Off-road
[10] = 'IND', -- Industrial
[11] = 'UTL', -- Utility
[12] = 'VAN', -- Van
[13] = 'CYC', -- Cycle
[14] = 'BOA', -- Boat
[15] = 'HEL', -- Helicopter
[16] = 'PLN', -- Plane
[17] = 'SRV', -- Service
[18] = 'EMG', -- Emergency
[19] = 'MIL', -- Military
[20] = 'COM', -- Commercial
[21] = 'TRN', -- Train
[22] = 'OPW', -- Open Wheel
Last updated